Friday, December 26, 2008


Coommopn Name : Kelah

Scientific Name: Tor tambroides

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Sultan fish

Scientific Name: Leptobarbus hoevenii
Notes: This is also a popular table fish. Found in rivers of the northern states of Malaysia but now farmed all over Malaysia.
May grow to a size of 2 feet.



Common Name : Mono

Scientific Name : Monodactylus argenteus

Snake Head


Silver Dollar

Common Name : Silver Dollar
Scientific name : Metynnis schreitmuelleri

Lampam albino


Marble Gobi

While this is a popular food fish, it has a constant demand as an aquarium fish.
This fish is carnivorous, so it should be keep with fishes of similar sizes.

It is a nocturnal fish. So mainly feeds at night. Do provide some hiding places like plastic pipes of suitable sizes.

Red Parrot




Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Tetra Serpae

Common Name : Tetra serpae

Scientific Name : Hyphessobrycon serpae

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Carp- Red Comet

Common name : Red Comet

Scientific name : Cyprinus carpio

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Bull Frogs

common name : Bull frog

Scientific name: Bufo sp ( its a hybrid of many bull frog species)

Friday, December 5, 2008


Common name : Oscar

Variety: red

Scientific name: Astronotus ocelletus


  • ferocious fish, cannot be kept in community tanks

Red Fresh Water Lobster

Common name : Red Fresh Water Lobster

Sexing: Males has one half of the pincer(claw) coloured red when mature.


  • beware the lobster can craw out of water!

  • will eat other samller fish in community tank


Common name : Sturgent

Scientific name : Acipenser sp.

Notes: Imported for exhibition. Some specimen kept in some farms. No breeding so far.

Pearl Gourami

Common name : Pearl Gourami

Scientific name : Trichogaster leeri

Notes : Prefers acidic water.


Common name: Cat fish

Varierty: Albino

Scientific name: Corydoras paleatus

Notes: Bottom feeder. Preferably offer places to hide. Breeds on sand bottom.


Common name : Discus

Scientific name : Symphysodon aequifasciatus
Variety: Pigean Blood
Orgin : South America
Notes: prefer soft water. When properly fed , high fecundity. Can have two broods a month. Each brood averages 80 to 120 eggs.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Angel fish- koi

Common name : Angle fish
Variety : Koi
Scientific name : Pterophyllum scalare

Notes: This variety of angle fish was first developed in Johor , Malaysia slightly more than a decade ago.
Apart from the usual angle features, this variety is distingushed by an orange patch on the forhead.

Beautiful and graceful fish. Need some ornamants in the tanks so that this fish can "park" and sleep upright at night. When kept in a bear tank, this fish sleep flat on the tank bottom at night.

Likes all sorts of worms and fish flakes. Floating or slow sinking feeds preffered.